Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Branded Heart, an historical fiction novel by Michele Fischer

The Branded Heart 
Chapter 1 - Where Am I?
Monday, March 12, 1877

     It’s so cold!!!  I almost can’t stand it!  The walls of their house are just plain wood and do not insulate.  The air is cold in my room but there is heat hitting my back from a blazing fireplace.  Fortunately, I have always slept with my windows open at night in relatively cold weather.  I’m one for cold air and warm blankets.

But when I wake up in the mornings here, it’s so cold I can hardly get myself out of bed.  Then the days warm up but somehow the house stays cool much of the time.  Although, if the tempura-ture is high outside and we have a fire going inside to cook, it can be unbear-ably hot in the house. 

     How conditioned I was to the temperature- controlled environment I came from!  I feel like a wimp here.  It doesn’t seem to bother this family at all.


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  2. Read the full, unique story of The Branded Heart by Michele Fischer, available at
